Our vision

The journey until now

Trip down memory lane

From local to national treatment center

Ívar Dagsson founded Aarhus Osteopathy (now Osteo Nordic) in 2014, and over time it has become a recognized and popular treatment center with clinics across all of Denmark. Now heading for European expansion. Although the number of clinics and practitioners has increased and continues to grow, the mission remains the same for Ívar and the team behind Aarhus Osteopathy; namely, to offer a holistic form of treatment, performed by well-educated osteopaths who view the body as a whole.

Ivar Dagsson
Ivar Dagsson

Co-founder & CEO. Authorized Osteopath D.O.M.R.O.DK., authorized physiotherapist, and INS therapist

Ívar’s Holistic Healing Journey

The story behind Aarhus Osteopathy is rooted in Ívar’s approach to the body as a whole and his burning desire to help people live a life where pain does not hinder dreams, ambitions, and everyday tasks. Initially, his background as a trained physiotherapist provided a good foundation to fulfill this wish, but he lacked essential tools to understand the entire system of the body, so he chose to train as an osteopath. This turned out to be rewarding – not only for him but also for the thousands of patients he has helped since the start of Aarhus Osteopathy.

Today, Ívar is not alone in his success; he has a team of extremely skilled, well-educated osteopaths who work towards the same goal as him; to help as many people as possible to live a life without chronic pain.

United commitment

Moreover, Jens Gram has joined the ownership circle along with Ívar, enabling expansion to (even) more cities in Denmark, so that more and more people can benefit from the effective treatment. Now it’s time for the European expansion.

Jens Gram
Jens Gram

Co-founder & CEO. Authorized Osteopath D.O.M.R.O.DK., authorized physiotherapist, and INS therapist

Our vision

An Effective Form of Treatment

Osteopathy is not a new form of treatment, but in recent years, it has been recognized by many as one of the most effective – and there are several good reasons for this. The primary reason behind this recognition is that the treatment takes into account the entire body and the essential systems; such as the organ system, hormonal system, circulatory system, craniosacral system, and nervous system. The treatment also revolves around manual techniques, and the osteopath thus uses his hands as a tool during the diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, an osteopath will not – exclusively – treat pain locally, but will instead focus on the entire body as an integrated system with various dependencies.

And this exact approach to the body as a whole distinguishes osteopathy from physiotherapy, which is a local form of treatment. Pain in the knee, therefore, does not necessarily mean that the solution is found in the knee according to the osteopathic approach; it may be elsewhere in the body’s overall system.

Unwavering Mission to Transform Lives Through Pain Relief

Over time, Ívar and Jens have met many people who – with a resigned approach – have stepped into the clinics with chronic pain, which they have been told they simply had to live with. They have, in other words, been abandoned by the system, and this fact is a major driver for Ívar and the team behind Aarhus Osteopathy, who have succeeded in helping many of these people have a better everyday life – despite the previous prognoses for improvement.

Today, Ívar, Jens, and the skilled therapists at Aarhus Osteopathy have the same objectives they’ve always had and the same drive – not least. They have an ambition to become the preferred treatment location in the cities where they open, and the journey has only just begun!